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How To Identify The Ghost Ii Immobiliser Which Is Right For You

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  • Tressa 작성
  • 작성일


Autowatch Ghost 2 Immobiliser Installation Service

KeyLab-1-e1658690716312-300x146.pngInstall an immobiliser Ghost that is TASSA approved and DBS security verified.

The Ghost system is silently operating on the vehicle's CAN network. It is not detectable by thieves using diagnostic tools since it doesn't emit radio signals.

Easy to install

Autowatch Ghost is a discreet anti-theft gadget that protects your vehicle from key cloning or hacking. It utilizes your vehicle's buttons to create an e-mail push sequence which must be entered how to become a autowatch ghost installer start your vehicle. This will stop thieves from taking the keys to your car and then driving off with it, or at the very least delaying the trip to have the car repaired.

The system can be installed by a certified installer like Car Theft Solutions. No wires are cut during installation. It is connected directly to the CAN data network of your vehicle, which means there aren't any 'fobs' or indicators to give away the presence of the device. This makes it difficult for burglars to spot and is in contrast to passive anti theft devices such as steering wheels locks.

When the Ghost 2 is installed in your Porsche it will be virtually unnoticed by thieves and blocked if they try to start your car without either entering the pin or app authorization. The system is able do this because it uses your factory buttons such as those on the steering wheel or centre console to allow you to create a unique dearm sequence (similar to a PIN number) which needs to be entered before the engine will start.

You can set the Ghost in Service and Valet mode after you have created your own personal disarming sequence. This will allow you to start your car if it's being repaired or taken to a garage for work, but it will only let you use your pre-set app or pin. You can retrieve an additional PIN in case you forget it. This way, you don't have to worry about drivers driving your car who shouldn't.

The Ghost 2 has QR finger print labels that are connected to the International Security Register and registered to you. This provides you with an extra layer of protection in case your vehicle is destroyed for parts. The unique code allows you to trace your car back to you in a flash.


The car thieves are more sophisticated than ever, and technology has advanced to keep up. Immobilisers that stealthily lock your vehicle were designed to prevent your car from becoming their next target. Ghost immobilisers function independently of the vehicle's factory-installed alarm or tracker, as well as other security devices. They offer an additional level of protection which cannot be tampered.

This modern technology connects to your vehicle's CAN Data Network and a personalised PIN code sequence is programmed by pressing the buttons on your steering wheel, door cards or centre console. The Ghost immobiliser will not start the engine if this unique code isn't entered prior to starting it. This prevents you and your passengers leaving the vehicle.

The device is small enough to be concealed within the vehicle's wiring harness. It's weatherproof and silent and doesn't emit radio frequency signals, so it cannot be detected by the sophisticated RF scanning or code grabbing techniques that some thieves use. Additionally, because it is connected to the CAN Data Network it can't be disabled with simple wire cutting or circuit jumps, which makes it a low-maintenance device.

If you intend to sell your car at any time, the Ghost immobiliser can be transferred to a new vehicle as long as it meets the compatibility requirements. If you decide to change cars in the time you own the Ghost it won't become obsolete. This is an excellent benefit for those who take pride in their cars.

In contrast to older immobilisers unlike many older generation immobilisers, the Ghost does not require an additional key fob or LED signal to function, so it can be used in darkness. The PIN is programmable (up to 20 presses) and can be changed in an emergency when you forget it. It can be set to valet and service mode, so that your car can be driven for a brief period in case you wish to leave it at a mechanic's or valet company to complete some work.

Unrecognisable to thieves

A standard factory fitted immobiliser protects your vehicle by preventing the engine from running without the correct key fob and key code sequence. Ghost immobilisers operate in a completely different way. It communicates with the electronic control unit of your vehicle by connecting to the CAN data circuit. This means that thieves are unable to escape the system by programming the ECU or employing other methods. It is also silent and doesn't emit radio signals. This makes it hard to detect.

This means that if own a costly or rare car, Ghost can keep your pride and joy out of the hands of crooks. You can be confident that the investment you made in customising or modifying your car is secured.

Ghost is a discrete and simple device that is installed into your car's wiring. It will not affect the aesthetics of the vehicle. It connects to the CAN bus network and communicating with your vehicle's center console or the steering wheel's buttons. It is easy to install, and is able to be hidden so that it is not detected by thieves. It's also low-maintenance and doesn't need batteries or radio signals which means it's not susceptible to hacking or cloning.

The autowatch Ghost-II Anti-Key Clone Immobiliser an elegant new device that can provide your vehicle with the most advanced security. The first aftermarket CAN bus immobiliser to be certified by TASSA the system is essential for anyone who is concerned about their car's safety.

With car theft increasing, it's important to take measures to stop it. The Ghost immobiliser offers a great solution. This smart system blocks your engine unless you enter a unique pin number or use the app on your smartphone. This stops a burglar from starting your car with the right keys.

Investing in the purchase of a Ghost immobiliser is a minimal cost to pay for peace of mind. It can be heartbreaking particularly if you've put an enormous amount of time and money into your vehicle. The Ghost immobiliser will keep your pride and joy where it is.

It is possible to install without marks on the body of the vehicle

An immobiliser is a device to prevent your vehicle from being driven away without your key fob. Since 1998, immobilisers have been required on all new vehicles. They are installed in your vehicle's CAN data network which means that thieves are unable to detect them or disarm by cutting wires. It is almost impossible for thieves steal your car since they are unable to start it without a key fob, or a mobile phone with the Autowatch application downloaded. This is particularly crucial if you've spent time and money on customizing your vehicle as it will prevent thieves from stealing it without your say-so.

The Ghost 2 immobiliser is able to be placed in a concealed position to ensure that it is not observed by anyone who is not properly trained. It is connected to the CAN (controller of the vehicle) and is controlled by your ECU. It is very small, works silently and has no radio signals, meaning it can't be spotted by thieves. The Ghost comes with a built-in battery that is replaceable so it will continue to operate even if there is power outage.

Once the Ghost is fitted it will require a pin code sequence to be entered in order for the vehicle to start. This can be done via the app on your phone, which means that only you can be able to identify the code. You can also set your car in Service/Valet Mode, which allows it to start without requiring the PIN code. This is beneficial if you want to take your vehicle to a garage or valet service. You can alter the PIN at any time to gain extra peace of mind.

The technology used to combat thieves has also improved as they have become more sophisticated. The Ghost is an excellent example, as it guards your pride and joy against theft by preventing key hacking, key cloning, and even preventing them from obtaining keys in the first instance. The Ghost is a renowned aftermarket immobiliser that is TASSA-certified which means that insurance companies will be aware of it and offer drivers lower premiums. If you're worried that new criminals are gaining ground and you want to lower your risk the Ghost is a great solution.


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