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The secret booklet you will be given if you win Lotto in Australia

작성자 정보

  • Denice 작성
  • 작성일


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Aussie bloke makes surprising confession after winning $150million Lotto prize

The secret booklet Australian Lotto winners receive can be revealed for the first time.

The booklet is part of a kit that also contains a formal prize confirmation letter addressed to the winner and a giant novelty cheque with any name you choose.

Anyone who wins a first prize or division one prize of $100,000 receives the booklet.

To toast their brand new life, winners also receive a bottle of Australian sparkling wine - Brut Non Vintage or a bottle of non-alcoholic Polka sparkling wine.

The booklet contains 'information to help point you in the right direction so you can make the most out of your good fortune'.

The secret booklet contains advice for lotto winners in Australia

There is the friendly warning that, 'while lottery wins are indescribably exciting, they may feel little overwhelming at first'.

'Remember, you don't need to rush into any decisions and there is always professional help available.'

Scattered throughout the booklet are helpful 'winners insights' from previous punters who have scooped a big prize.

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One of these revealing stories is from a division one winner from South Australia.

They say in the booklet: 'I thought, I'm not going to keep it secret, I'm going to tell everyone because I don't want people to say why didn't you tell me? No one asked me for a thing. Not one person. I find that really refreshing.'

On the benefits of financial advice, a division one winner from NSW wrote: 'I still work, and I still budget and everything. Nothing much has changed. I did get financial advice, and that was probably the most valuable thing I have ever done.'

Read the full winners booklet below:

What do I do now? 

You don't have to make any decisions straight away. You have as much time as you wish to consider what you'd really like to do with your prize and the best options for you.

 Whatever you plan to do with your prize, we hope it makes a real difference to you and your loved ones.


A time for decisions 

As a starting point, we suggest speaking to your financial institution about which account might be best to transfer your winnings into. Then, ensure you gain professional advice on the best options for you and your prize.

Remember, for many people work means more than just a livelihood. It can also mean friendships, job satisfaction and a sense of belonging. So you might like to leave making any decisions regarding retirement until after you've received professional advice and become comfortable with your prize.

Whom should I tell?

 Some winners can't wait to share their life-changing news with their nearest and dearest. Others choose not to tell a soul. It's completely up to you. 

Take a moment to think about who you might share your news with and when you might tell them.


Sharing your prize

For many winners, part of the joy of winning a major lottery prize is the opportunity to share it with their close family and friends.

If giving to others interests you, we encourage you and anyone you are sharing your prize with to seek advice from a qualified financial planner or banking representative. 

Speaking with a professional can provide you with peace of mind and ensure that you and those you choose continue to benefit from the prize for years to come.

Tax and other considerations 

Did you know lottery prizes in Australia are tax free?

You can also give away as much as you want as a one-off gift without the recipient having to pay tax. 

However, once your prize is in a bank account, any interest earned on your prize is subject to income tax for both yourself and any gift recipients. There could also be tax implications from any investments you make.

Time to plan: making the most of your prize 

A way to help ensure your prize achieves your goals is to make a plan. 

Start by listing the things you want to achieve with your prize, detailing how much each might cost, and ordering them according to their importance to you. Your list may include things like: 

• Pay off the mortgage 

• Go on a holiday 

• Share money with family 

• Buy new furniture 

• Buy a new car 

• Contribute to your own or your children's education 

• Donate to charities 

• Enjoy an additional regular income 

• Retire or work part-time 

• Buy a new house 

• Make an investment 

• Establish a lasting legacy


Call in the professionals 

While family and friends are valuable sources of life advice, many professionals specialise in providing financial and หวยฮานอย legal advice.

Whatever you plan to do with your winnings, it's useful to consider seeking advice from licensed and independent professionals, such as accountants, lawyers, or financial planners.


Frequently Asked Questions 

The questions and answers include: 

Q: Can I keep the original ticket? 

A: Unfortunately, due to our prize payment process and lottery regulations, you are unable to keep the original ticket. We recommend taking a photo of the ticket before you provide it to us 

Q: Do I have to let my bank know? 

A: While it isn't imperative you let your bank know, we do recommend speaking with a bank manager to inform them you are expecting a large deposit. 

The winner's booklet concludes with these inspiring words: 'Enjoy the winner's journey! More than anything, we hope your prize not only brings you a financially-secure lifestyle but also much happiness and joy in the years to come.'

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해당 사이트의 운영자 정보, 보안 시스템, 게임 결과 등을 철저히 검토하고 검증합니다. 또한, 인증업체는 실제 운영사이트를 방문하여 물리적인 환경과 운영 상황을 확인 합니다. 별도의 암행 계정을 이용하기도 하며 사전에 예고 없이 일반 유저 계정을 이용해 확실한 검증 단계를 밟습니다.

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