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The 10 Most Scariest Things About Twin Pushchair

작성자 정보

  • Sharyn 작성
  • 작성일


What to Look For in a Twin Pushchair

A twin pushchair is the perfect option if you have two kids or children who are similar in age. They offer two places for your little ones and are typically equipped with a comfortable carrycot for newborns as well as compatibility with car seats for older toddlers.

Look out for models with easy to use push handles, as well as a GIANT basket. Accessories like cup holders sit and stand double stroller snack trays for parents and children are also helpful.


The classic tandem twin pushchair sits side-by-side and allows both children to face one other. Some parents like this design because it is less likely to cause siblings to fight over who sits in the seat they prefer. It is also ideal for visiting places like the zoo where both kids are able to see each other clearly. Tandems can be more spacious than single buggy however they are generally larger and may feel longer when pushed.

Some twin buggies begin as a single pushchair and can be adapted to accommodate two seats or carrycots using an adapter. This is a great option for families with more than one child. It's not necessary to purchase a new buggy once your older child is outgrowing it. It might not be the most suitable option for twins in the early years, as they will need to be the same weight and age.

Another kind of twin buggy is the jogger, that can be used in a double or single mode and can accommodate two car seats. It comes with a swivel rear wheel and air-filled tyres so it is able to handle off-road trails too. It is heavier than other alternatives but it also has durability.

The Phil & Ted Sport double pushchairs Jogger can be used with the seat in the main compartment, or with an innovative double kit that attaches directly to the single seat. It comes with one swivel on the front and all-wheel suspension which makes it more stable than other joggers that we tested. It is also compatible with a variety of car seats.

This narrow, single-to-double stroller is perfect for urban excursions due to its ease of maneuverability and large shopping basket. It features UPF50and sun canopy that can be extended to provide shade and a peekaboo window in the front seat to let both children take in the view. This model does not come with a built in recline however, it can be combined with a Roma Gemini Carrycot (PS100 per carrycot) to create a flat space for infants or newborns. It also fits the seat of a toddler to make it a three-seater option for older children.


graco-travelite-compact-stroller-pushchair-suitable-from-birth-to-approx-3-years-15kg-lightweight-at-only-7kg-black-grey-fashion-24.jpgA convertible twin pushchair is an adaptable option that allows you to change the configuration as your children get older. The frame starts as an individual pushchair, but it has adaptors attached to it to add a second chair or carrycot, or even a car seat. These types are generally wider than a regular buggy, but they can fit through doorways and are more maneuverable through kerbs and up and down. These models allow you to use two carrycots or a toddler car seat side-by-side, which is great for siblings.

The iCandy Peach 7 double buggy is a great example of this type. It can be set up with 25 different ways using seats, car seats and carrycots. The Peach 7 from the iCandy brand is an excellent example of a double-buggy that can be configured in a variety of ways, with car seats, seat and carrycots. In addition, the smart and easy one-handed recline lever located on the back of the seat unit makes it simple to get your child into an upright position.

The Uppababy Vista V2 is another example of convertible twin strollers with seats that can be removed and can be configured to face forward or backward which makes it suitable for twins of all age groups. The RumbleSeat and PiggyBack riding boards that attach to the middle frame can accommodate a third child.

Multiple configurations

The seating configuration can have a major impact on the functionality of your twin pushchair. It is important to look for various options that will permit you to change the direction in which your child's seat is facing based on their mood, circumstances or even as they become. The Bugaboo Donkey 5 Twin, for example, is incredibly versatile, with reversible seats and bassinets that allow siblings to be facing each other either with you or the exciting road ahead. The frame's clever design expands widthways to accommodate the extra seat and can be used in either Mono or Double mode with a range of accessories available for both configurations.

The side-byside configuration is a popular option for parents who are just starting out. One child sits behind the other. This kind of twin buggy gives both children the same view and is typically narrower than a single pushchair, which makes it easier to navigate in the public transportation system and in doors. The Cybex gazelle S pushchair, for instance has more than 20 different configurations to choose the best set-up for your child. It can also take two car seats or carrycots in tandem mode.

The Valco Jump Seat attachment allows you to convert this side-by-side double buggy, which is specifically designed for twins, into an Jogger. Both kids are facing towards the forward direction. This lets you keep pace with your running partner and keep the kids happy as they explore.

Think about your lifestyle when selecting a twin pushchair. They are generally heavier because they have additional features, such as bigger baskets and padded seats. You may also find they're a little heavier than a single stroller and you'll need to purchase additional accessories like rain covers or sunshades to protect your twins.

It's equally important to test the quality of a double pushchair, as it is to ensure that it is compatible with your budget and lifestyle. To get the most value, look for brands who place a high priority on sustainability and provide thorough details about their manufacturing methods. Joining online parenting groups or attending local events can give you valuable information about the best twin pushchairs.


There will be a lot of stuff for twins so make sure you have a large undercarriage basket as well as plenty of compartments or pockets to store your necessities. Make sure the storage areas are easily accessible using the seats in various positions as well. The UPPAbaby Vista 2 is able to accommodate twins as well as a baby and toddler. It also has space for a 'PiggyBack' board (PS120) for older children. The Roma Gemini is able to accommodate two newborns with the cocoons included (PS59 each). With the new design, it is possible to attach the cocoons either facing either direction, or reverse. It features a handy standing fold that makes it easy to keep in storage between uses.


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